Thursday, June 21, 2007

2nd Update on David Latner, Jr.

Again the ever abundent GRACE of our Lord overflows my cup. It never ceases to amaze me the manner in which our creator gives and gives, even when we know we are not worthy of his love.

Jane and I have just returned from Pensacola were my son David Jr. has been in the hospital since Saturday night/Sunday morning. He did have a heart attack, he did have stints put in and he is recovering. The doctors have told us that he has had sigificant damage to his heart. This morning as Jane and I were visiting him before heading home, they moved him into a room in the step down unit. He still has to wear a monitor for a time but at least he can shower and walk around as much as he wants to.

We shared our thoughts and your prayers, the doctors are doing all they can to get him back on his feet. Most inportantly our Lord has laid his hand on him and allows him to stay with his family. What an AWESOME GOD!!

The seeds of christianity have been planted. Please pray for the water of life to sprout them, and by even more of his grace, I might see the harvest in my lifetime.

Just a note, if you smoke please quit. If you think you are too young to be effected by an incident like this you are not (my son is 38). If you know someone that needs to hear these words please pass this information on. But most important of all ; Give the GLORY to the one who deserves it.

Jane and I Love you all and covent your continued prayers.

Be Blessed, David & Jane

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